Parish Religious Education Program
CCD is now referred to as “Parish Religious Education Program” (PREP). The program is designed to assist parents who have chosen other than Catholic School for their children. Our Parish Religious Education Program provides religious education for students from First through Seventh grades. PREP classes are staffed by parish volunteers. Experience in teaching is not a requirement for PREP teachers and aids. Training and support is available for those interested in sharing their faith with the children who attend the program. Interested parish members should contact the rectory Office.
PREP open enrollment runs from April 1st through August 30th every year!
Important Dates:
May 3rd, 2024 @ 8:30am – 12noon First Holy Communion retreat Day
May 11th, 2024. @ 4pm First Holy Communion Sacrament Mass
September 10th, 2024. @ 7pm Meeting with Parents
September 17th, 2024. @ 7pm Start Date
FOR FURTHER IMFORMATION PLEASE CALL Father Reynaldo Frias @ 215-535-2962 EXT.106
Programa de Educacion Religiosa Paroquial (Catecismo)
Esta diseñado para asistir a los padres que escogieron tener a sus hijo(a)s en otro tipo de escuela educacional que no es catolica. Nuestro programa de educacion religiosa provee a los estudiantes de primer grado hasta septimo grado con educacion religiosa. Las clases son dadas por voluntarios. Experiencia como maestro no es necesaria para los maestros y voluntarios de catecismo. Entrenamiento y apoyo es disponible para aquellos interesados en compartir su Fe con los niños y jovenes que asisten al programa. Parroquianos interesados deben de contactar la rectoria.
Fechas Importantes:
3 de Mayo, 2024 @ 8:30am – 12mediodia Retiro de Primera Comunion
11 de Mayo, 2024. @ 4pm Misa de Sacramento de Primera Comunion
Septiembre 10, 2024. @ 7pm Reunión con los Padres
Septiembre 17th, 2024. @ 7pm Día de Inicio
¡Registraciones para el catecismo estan abiertas desde Abril 1ro hasta Agosto 30 todos los años!
PARA MAS INFORMACION FAVOR DE LLAMAR A Padre Reynaldo Frias @ 215-535-2962 EXT.106